What is a performance review?
A performance review, or performance appraisal is a periodic and systematic process whereby the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated. There is no legal obligation to have performance reviews or offer pay rises unless stated in the employment contracts or your organisation policy. Performance reviews help players, coaches and other employees understand where they have met the required standards and also allows an opportunity for further clarity. Below are some top tips to consider when conducting performance reviews.
1. Tell your employee in advance that a performance review is coming.
Arrange a time and a private place with your employee to have the review. Telling them in advance allows the employee time to prepare for the review. This is an opportunity for them to review what is going well in the workplace and what could be better.
Providing your team with a list of questions that will be discussed is very helpful. Be as transparent as possible about the review process. For example, let your players know that any feedback they provide will be passed on to the coach. Questions you may wish to give in advance might include-
- How is the job going?
- What do they enjoy about the team dynamic and what could be improved?
- Do they need any training or equipment to help in their role?
- What would they change if they could?
2. Each performance review should be personal
Just like no two players are the same, no two reviews will be the same. Make sure your employees know that they are valued, that their work is appreciated when they perform well (this is a great time to acknowledge achievements) and discuss how they will continue to develop their skills.
Where players, coaches and other members of the organisation are not performing, a performance review is a good time to clarify expectations, and discuss how they can improve their performance. Things to consider include-
- What can you do to help them upskill?
- Do they need a raise?
- Do they need to take some time for recovery?
3. Ask them if they have questions
The review should be a conversation. Provide your employees with the space and opportunities to ask any questions they may have during the review.
4. Make a plan for moving forward
Set goals and put in place actions for how to achieve them. For example, a new coach may need leadership training, players may require a more specific training regime. Let them know what they should be doing but equally let them know how you are going to help them to reach those goals.
It's important to remember to take detailed notes of the review. After the review is over, provide your employee with a written summary to make sure that they agree with what has been discussed. Document performance reviews and keep this information safe.
If you have questions about your organisation, we’re here to help. Please don’t hesitate to make contact with Tenille Burnside for any situation that arises.