It’s that time of year!
Every year, Gibson Sheat staff nominate charities that they have worked with or seen doing amazing things in our communities.
It’s never an easy process as we know that there are a number of great charity groups working hard and we always have a huge number of nominations.
After a period of voting by our staff, we are thrilled to donate to these charities in Wellington, Lower Hutt, and Wairarapa this Christmas:
Te Omanga Hospice
Mary Potter Hospice
Hospice Wairarapa
Life Flight Trust
Wellington Regional Children’s Hospital
Wellington Free Ambulance
Child Cancer Foundation
Assistance Dogs NZ Ltd
Women’s Refuge Lower Hutt
Women’s Refuge Wellington.
Thank you to all the groups that are helping people and animals in need year in and year out, our communities wouldn’t be the same without you!
Merry Christmas from Gibson Sheat.